Saturday, September 02, 2006

Award winning blueberry coffee cake

A couple of weeks ago, our local Farmers Market held a blueberry bake-off. I thought my favorite coffee cake would taste extra yummy with the addition of local organic blueberries, and I was right. I won first place in the "crumbly" category -- my reward was a market poster and $25 in "Market Bucks" to spend at any vendor.

Unfortunately, the contest was overshadowed by the County Fair that weekend, and the sad news that our local organic blueberry farm was over-picked for the season. I got what may have been the last of their blueberries at the Wednesday market that week. But all that didn't stop me from bragging about my culinary expertise to any and all who would listen. Including you.

All I did was add a cup or so of fresh blueberries to my standard coffee cake recipe. I also used all white flour, and plain yogurt. For the topping, I subbed chopped pecans for the coconut. I made a full recipe and baked it in two 9" round cake pans. One for entering, one for family to enjoy. Delish.